About Us

Ibtekar For Support Services

Ibtikar support services company is a leader in the field of event management, exhibitions and conferences, providing comprehensive and integrated solutions that meet the requirements of its customers and meet their aspirations. With extensive experience and qualified and trained cadres at the highest level, Ibtikar is committed to achieving the highest standards of quality and efficiency, which makes it the ideal partner for the success of events in the Kingdom and abroad.








To be the leading company in the field of management and organization of events, exhibitions and conferences in the region, relying on quality and innovation in providing our services.

The message

At Ibtikar, we strive to be the ideal partner for our clients in organizing their events, as we are keen to provide high-level services that correspond to our clients ' visions and achieve their aspirations to ensure the success of their events exceptionally.


Providing integrated and comprehensive services that keep pace with customer expectations. Enhance the experience of event attendees and ensure their safety and comfort. Supporting the success of events through innovation and the use of the latest technologies

رحلة بناء الفعاليات في ابتكار

حلول متكاملة لضمان الجودة ونجاح المشاريع
خدمات تقنية وتشغيلية تضمن نجاح الفعالية
فرق عمل متخصصة لضمان إدارة متميزة للفعاليات
أنظمة معلوماتية متقدمة لتوثيق الأداء وتحليله من اجل تقارير دقيقة.
طوير مستمر للأنظمة طبقًا لأعلى معايير الجودة والسلامة

Our services

Crowd management service

Reception and transfer service

Television and photographic service

Sound engineering service

Service of LED screens and display systems

Design and implementation of wooden booths for theaters and exhibitions

Cleaning and waste management services

Water supply service for event and festival sites

Provision of sewage towing vehicles

Our Works

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